Help with setting up a CIC Accounting system? Look NO Further?

Community interest Company Accounts

With a solid financial system in place alongside an experienced finance function, you can build a more sustainable and prosperous CIC.

At KG Accountants, we can help you to set up a robust CIC Accounting System to run your CIC with ease.

Our System is perfect for a Small Community interest company. NO more Manual data entry of invoices, receipts, bills. Simply email, scan and upload or snap with a Mobile apps.

How it Works – 5 easy steps

What you want to do

How you can do it

1.Submit Documents with ease:

Simply Take a photo of the receipt/Invoices and within seconds, it will be in the accounting system. You can also scan or email bills/receipts

2.Data extraction: The system will automatically extract the date, description, amount e.t.c NO Manual entry at all.

Because all your data is automatically extracted and verified during processing, this means No Manual Errors/Mistakes.

Unlock More Time: As data is Automatically Collected and processed, this means you have more time to do more and do better.

3.Free Initial Training: We offer free initial Training to ensure you start off nicely!

Come along to our office in London bridge to receive your free training to use the financial system. It takes about 45 minutes. OR if you cannot make it, we can do this via a Zoom Video Call.

4. Produce management Accounts: You will be able to run/produce monthly performance reports to show you how your CIC is doing and any highlighting areas that needs more work.

Help with Funding Applications: The management accounts will be useful when submitting funding applications and also helpful in preparing Budgets and Cashflow Forecasts.

5. Know More, Do Better: We work with several CIC’S like yours which means you get unrivalled support and knowledge to navigate through the bumps in the road. 

Get Support and accountability from a CIC Specialist.  

All our fees are fixed.

By giving you a fixed and competitive price, we can take the worry away when it comes to setting up a financial system and controls; allowing you to concentrate on running your CIC!

Arrange a FREE initial consultation.

Tel: 0207 078 7477

How we can help

Call us today on Tel: 0207 078 7477 or complete our enquiry form in order to book a FREE initial consultation

If you would like more information or would like to ask us a question then call us on 0207 078 7477 To ask us a question online click here.